Life Conversations Radio

Life Conversations Radio

Men's Panel - Part II. Rape, Domestic Violence and Respecting Women

August 18, 2014

Life Coach Ade is welcoming back the Men’s Panel with Joe Kelly and Dawn Wolf for "Men's Panel Empowering Conversation - Part II. Rape, Domestic Violence and Respecting Women."

We will be having a  healing conversation on Rape, Domestic Violence and Respecting Women as well as explore the deadly interactions with police for both men and women alike.  These topics are coming up daily on the news and on social media and the brothers are coming together to add their voice about how men can contribute to making the world a safer place for women and each other.

Join us as the brothers go boldly to a space in consciousness that holds the answer to the issues of humanity.

Call in 347 426 3346 or post your questions on "Ask Life Coach Ade Radio Show" fan  (LIKE) page on Facebook.

Also, don't miss Celestial Moment with Celeste Morgan. She offers the energy of the day!

This show will shift your consciousness. Empower you to create a space and a place for inspiration, transformation and healing.

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