January Jones sharing Success Stories

January Jones sharing Success Stories

January Jones- Who Stole My Success with Roberta Budvietas

April 16, 2015

Meet Roberta Budviestas:

Is Success eluding you?

Identify your success thieves to control and eliminate them

If you ever feel like life has passed you by or no matter how hard you work, success seems elusive then perhaps it is time to identify the success thieves in your life.

Who Stole My Success is a collection of tales written for micro business owners. The thieves that steal our sense of success are there every day and it is important that we identify them so that we have the ability to control and eliminate them

Some Thieves that Steal Success

    •    The Quickie Thief

    •    The Assumption Thief

    •    The Moral Imperative Thief

    •    The Trust Thief

    •    The Money Attitude Thief

??? Eliminating Thieves Grows Your Businesses

Mentoring clients over the years, it is evident that many micro business owners suffer from the thieves that every day attack our mindsets and threaten our future. Thieves that make us doubt ourselves. Thieves that cause second thoughts. Thieves that steal our confidence and self-worth.

You need to stop the thieves to success.