Inspired Leftovers - Rodney Majaya

Inspired Leftovers - Rodney Majaya

Latest Episodes

#66 - The senselessness of gun violence
July 13, 2015

“An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

#65 - The world does not owe you any favours
June 28, 2015

Don't let your expectations blind you from the many blessings you already have.

#64 - Live fearlessly and watch your life change
June 25, 2015

Fear: the one things many of us hate to acknowledge exists within us. But that is not the problem. Facing up to fear and going for it... is what we should be doing.

#63 - I saw Chris again today
June 23, 2015

I'm glad to say I saw Chris and he was alive and kicking!

#62 - Embrace your individuality
June 21, 2015

Be proud of being yourself. There is no 'you' more original and unique than that.

#61 - Curbing demotivation: Quick fixes
June 04, 2015

Sometimes we simply hit a brick wall where our focus is concerned... it's perfectly normal.

#60 - A thought for the new week
June 01, 2015

So you think you got it tough?

#59 - Knowing what to do vs Actually doing it
May 26, 2015

The process of getting to do something is not as easy as simply having the knowledge of that which you you must do...

#58 - How to exercise without sacrificing your spare time
May 12, 2015

Some of us out here want to exercise and work out a lot more but truth is we don't find it enjoyable and life gets hectic.

#57 - What to do after countless disappointment
May 10, 2015

The vehicle for change is YOU.