Parenting Today’s Teens

Parenting Today’s Teens

Parenting Pattern

February 05, 2013
(Click title to listen)


There’s a natural progression that flows in the parenting process.  And it’s a good thing.  God designed it that way!  The problem comes when Mom and Dad get stuck  and fail to move on.

When kids are young, we please them.  In grade school, we protect them.  And in middle school we provide for them.  In high school and beyond, we need to prepare them.  It’s unfortunate, however, when Moms and Dads get stuck in the pleasing, protecting and providing stages… and fail to prepare their kids for the world

This oversight can actually stunt your teen’s growth!  When you forestall independence, it only leads to an entitled young adult who continually makes irresponsible choices.

Follow the God-given pattern for parenting.  Choose to start preparing your child for life!


©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

Also, listen via iTunes here.