Parenting Today’s Teens

Parenting Today’s Teens

The Content of a Fight

January 23, 2013
(Click title to listen)


Mom, Dad, tell me… what was the last thing that caused a fight between you and your teen?

Moms and Dads who have teens living at home know that the season of life comes when conflict seems to be the new normal.  Conflict’s not always a bad thing.  But when you take a step back and think objectively about the issues you clash on… can you really say it’s worth the emotional energy?

Many parents feel that the teen years are the time to squash any sign of rebellion or misbehavior.  I’m all in favor of taking action when a teen disobeys.  But, I also watch well-meaning parents who take every event, no matter how small, as an opportunity to lecture.  And these lectures may turn into a fight.

Hey, is it really worth it?  Limit your arguments to things that really matter!


©2013 Mark Gregston Email: Phone: 1-866-700-3264

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