Latest Episodes

We Have Met the (Climate) Enemy
January 30, 2024

For decades the prevailing assumption has been that the primary enemies of environmental health, the essential aiders and abetters of catastrophic climate change, were the barons of industry, who sacr

What to Call A Gathering of Hypocrites? COP28
January 22, 2024

Every year, environmental czars and ministers and activists, together with a gaggle of lobbyists and politicians from around the world, mount their private jets and (leaving a haze of contrails behind

Bowling Gods and Bomb Cyclones and Godzilla Ninos
January 18, 2024

When I was little, and got upset because the thunder was too loud or too close, my mother would reassure me by saying the noise was made by the gods bowling in their celestial floating bowling alley.

How I Went From Early Adopter to Luddite in One Short Life
December 06, 2023

For most of my life I relished every technological advance that came my way. I remember when we got electricity at the farm when I was learning to read by the murky light of kerosene lamps. I remember

A Tale of Three Cities
November 12, 2023

London, Paris, and Dubai locations in October and November of 2023 of international conferences on global climate change. Signs that at long last, serious attention is being paid to this existential

The Rapidly Gathering Storm
November 08, 2023

It is nothing less than surreal for those of us who expect an imminent collapse of industrial civilization to see the American public and its political leaders either studiously ignore the rapidly mou

The Human Race: Down but Not Out
September 02, 2023

An astonishing study using new genetic methods to research human history has discovered evidence that bolsters my long-held belief that the impending crash of industrial society does not necessarily i

Playing the Averages — and Losing
August 03, 2023

It is harder every day to have a discussion about any public issue that does not slide quickly into anger over irreconcilable differences. This is partly due to massive, deliberate attempts to pollute

Next for Planet Earth: Palliative Care
July 31, 2023

Palliative care, as I understand it, is given to a patient when doctors have given up on finding a cure, or even reversing the progression of the patients disease. The purpose of palliative care is t

Apocalypse Pretty Soon Now
July 15, 2023

Acrid smoke from unrestrained wildfires burning in remote Canadian forests this spring and summer has repeatedly fouled the air and dimmed the sun in vast swaths of the US Northeast and Midwest. Becau