YOUR LIFE NOW show with Coach Rea Wilke

YOUR LIFE NOW show with Coach Rea Wilke

Hope and Aspiration with inspiring guest Lori Juette Yokiel

September 04, 2014

 “Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.†So let me ask you this, Can you take the first step in faith without worrying about the rest of the staircase?

Do you have what it takes to change your circumstances?  Do you have the drive & the dedication to improve your life? What is your biggest obstacle? How do you view your life and you being in it? Are you a victim of your circumstances? Or you a leader? #CoachRea

Our guest Lori Juette Yokiel knows a thing or two about life challenges. She also believes: “Faith in the first step is all you need, the rest of the staircase doesn't matter" 

Lori fell into addiction and found herself lost. At the young age of 18 years old, she checked herself into treatment for alcohol and drugs, and completed a total of 9 months inpatient treatment. Lori began to volunteer, she become a part of society in a healthy way. But her life challenges were bigger than life itself. She lost a child (Partial Molar), her home to foreclosure, bankruptcy, her marriage to an affair and realized that her insides no longer matched her outsides, weighing over 200 pounds, 

Lori decided to take the first step in faith toward the life she want to have. She hired a personal trainer and began working on herself again. Through the dedication, drive and determination to raise her two beautiful children as healthy as possible, while staying single, she lost over 70 lbs. of fat, gained sponsorships for running while attaining over 37 road races and continuing her fitness goals into body building. 

Lori believes that faith without works is dead and that by showing the world that anything is possible, there's no reason to give up on yourself OR your dreams.