Pilgrim Priest

Pilgrim Priest

+316+ Remember you are Dust (Ash Wednesday)

February 14, 2013

Lent, Ash Wednesday. Commenting about Pope Benedict’s resignation, Cardinal Dolan said that the Church is in the business of fundamental change: Interiorly. “There is certainly always going to be a change in heart because conversion of heart is what we’re all about.” This change of heart is called “repentance.” Where does repentance start? By remembering that you are dust, and to dust you will return. You are going to die. We’ll each have a cemetery plot and our own gravestone. We will each stand before Almighty God and answer God’s questions: What have you done with the amazing life I gave you? Did you live for others and not for yourself? Did you love unconditionally? That’s going to be an awkward moment. Now is the time to start preparing for that moment. Now is the time to start living with God and for God. Now is the time to repent and believe in the Gospel.

(13 Feb 2013)