The Unmistakable Creative Podcast

The Unmistakable Creative Podcast

Turning Pain into a Movement with Kevin Honeycutt

September 10, 2014

Kevin grew up in poverty, the son of an alcoholic outlaw, and turned his life into serving and shaking up the education system. His insights reach far beyond transforming education, but in how we break free from indoctrination and turning pain into a movement.

In this episode:

  • -What differentiates people who take pain and turn it into success vs a downward slide?
  • How janitors can be mentors
  • Balancing living in the moment vs living in the future
  • Has our system indoctrination of education limited what we do in our adult lives?
  • Spending our heartbeats to make it matter
  • Does creating a movement come from something that already exists inside us?
  • Where do we start in beginning a massive change?
  • Releasing education's prison shackles
  • How to handle attacks when leading a movement

    For resources mentioned, links, and 500+ episode archive, visit
Turning Pain into a Movement with Kevin Honeycutt