3x2 Podcast

3x2 Podcast

Free the Interwebz!

June 09, 2014

Last Thursday was the “Reset the Net” day. We kind of were too distracted to get anything posted, but with several things we’ve been talking about amongst ourselves in the Internet-y-ish fold, we decided to slap out an episode about it.

Two disclaimers, though. First, Lars has been a bit busy, and by the time we got to recoding he was rather spent, so at least one of us is phoning it in a bit. On the other hand, the second disclaimer is about political content. The Illustrious One, having the first chance since we decided to minimize said politics for the sake of not making the show overtly political, gets to go on a bit of a political rant, specifically at the mention of the FCC.



Two bits of news today:

First, the trailer for Prelude to Axanar has dropped for supporters. The rest get to wait a bit longer. There is awesomesauce.

Second, change is a-comin’ here with the 3x2cast, and it can be summed up in three words (and no link, yet): RED SHIRT GEEKS.


TODAY’S TOPIC: PC Free Internet
  1. 1. The Illustrious One laments the lack of ability to watch the second episode of
The Wil Wheaton Project, since at the time of posting, the NBC Universal Nazis are still embargoing the ep. Discussion of the foolishness of the old media in the 21st century in losing their audience to Internet programming and torrenting abounds….


  1. 2. We discuss the “Reset the Net” day a response to our good ol’ government spying on us, as well as some of the
excellent software you should be using to make it harder for the jackbooted thugs to peep your shit. People of all political persuasions unite on this topic because no one in their right mind would trust the government to dick with the Internet, right…?


  1. 3. Scratch that. We talk about net neutrality, about how to fight back against the big media companies so you can continue to stream Netflix and donkey show videos with reckless abandon. We also talk about how utterly, completely, and absolutely fucking stupid you’d have to be to let the censorship-obsessed power-hungry bastards of the FCC have any more control over our favorite digital playground (yeah)….






“Hackers” – by We Do Exist


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