3x2 Podcast

3x2 Podcast

Visiting a Galaxy Far, Far Away

May 27, 2014

[Editor's note: This should get us back on our normal bi-weekly schedule, so expect our next podcast 2 Mondays from now. Also, any podcast that falls on a holiday will likely post the next day, partially out of respect, and partially because we don't want to get missed.]

A couple things motivated us to jump into the Star Wars universe this week.

First, we’ve been kicking around one of the topics for a while, since Netflix released all 6 seasons of Star Wars: the Clone Wars. If you feel like Indy after he was raped in Peru after sitting through Eps 1-3, then the Clone Wars may cleanse your palate. Get on there and watch. It doesn’t suck LucASS.

Second, as we announced last week, we somehow conned Alex Napier (hereafter known as Alex the Intern until he comes up with something other than Alex NippleNuts) into joining us to inflate our web content. Well, he happens to also be a Star Wars geek like the Illustrious One, so we figgered we’d pop his 3×2 cherry. Mission accomplished. And amazingly we only kicked him off the podcast a total of 37 times, both on and off the air. we must be getting soft.

And third, the Illustrious One was getting tired of the Trek. Really, we’ve been over-Trekkin’ the podcasts. REVOLUTION!!!!!!!

(That was supposed to be funny, but at this point in the day, you’re lucky to get that much….)



1. Star Trek: The Next Generation has been over for 20 years this week. Worth a watch before JJ Abrams gets to direct the reboot.

2. The new Superman-Batman movie is titled Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Not overly exciting, but maybe murdering Superman and Batfleck will kill each other?

3. A chance to be in Star Wars Episode 7: Attack of the Lens Flare (working JJ title). It’s for charity, and it’s an actual role, so….


  1. 1. The Illustrious One had a moment where
Star Wars Episode III: Whineakin Kills Everybody begins to suck less. This was after Watching the final season of Star Wars: the Clone Wars, then jumping into the movie. We discuss the merits of the show, which fixes the rushed plot of Ep III….


  1. 2. We lament over Disney’s decision to ditch the Star Wars expanded universe, although we understand why in a sense. Of course, after Jar Jar, midi-chlorians, and “SHE LOST THE WILL TO LIVE!”, we’re used to our childhood being shat upon….


  1. 3. Speaking of our childhood being shat upon, we discuss Star Trek murderer and future Star Wars murdering director JJ Abrams, how much lens flare will occur in a galaxy far, far away, and speculate on what may happen now that the cast is reading through the script (and not hurling, by all reports so far)….






“The Ballad of JJ Binks” by the Illustrious One himself!


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